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Today's Case:

J.L. Hudson's Cheesecake

From a handwritten recipe found on a message board.

Hudson's Cheesecake

1-3/4 cups		graham cracker crumbs
2 Tbsp				powdered sugar 
6 Tbsp				melted butter

Crust: Combine above ingredients and press in greased & sides of springform pan. 
Bake 350° for 10 minutes. Cool.

1 cup sugar - 1-1/2 cups is better
2 	8 ozs pkg  cream cheese
1  - 1 lb carton creamed (small) cottage cheese
4    eggs slightly beaten
1/4 cup flour or 1/3 cup corn starch
1-1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
1        tsp	vanilla
1 stick  melted butter
1 pint	sour cream

Beat cream cheese and cottage cheese till smooth and creamy. Add sugar gradually. 
Add eggs and mix well. Add rest of ingredients and beat till well blended. Pour into 
crust and bake 325° for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Turn off oven and leave cake in oven 
for 2 hours. Remove and let stand 15 minutes. Remove sides of springform pan and 
refrigerate overnight.